Annual Meeting Dos and Don’ts

HOA Annual Meeting

Annual Meeting Dos and Don’ts

HOA annual meetings are a crucial event for homeowners to participate in the community’s decision-making process. However, they can also be contentious and stressful if not handled correctly. In this post, we will provide a list of HOA annual meeting do’s and don’ts to ensure that the meeting is productive, informative, and respectful.


  1. Provide Sufficient Notice: The HOA should provide sufficient notice to homeowners about the annual meeting. The notice should include the date, time, and location of the meeting and the agenda.
  2. Set an Agenda: The HOA should set an agenda for the annual meeting and distribute it to homeowners before the meeting. The agenda should include the topics to be discussed, the order in which they will be discussed, and the estimated time for each topic.
  3. Prepare Materials: The HOA should prepare materials for the annual meeting, such as financial statements, minutes from previous meetings, and any proposed changes to the governing documents. These materials should be distributed to homeowners before the meeting.
  4. Allow for Q&A: The annual meeting should include a question-and-answer session to allow homeowners to ask questions and provide feedback. The board of directors should be prepared to answer questions and provide explanations.
  5. Follow Parliamentary Procedures: The HOA should follow parliamentary procedures during the annual meeting to ensure that the meeting is conducted in an organized and efficient manner.
  6. Provide Refreshments: Providing refreshments, such as snacks and beverages, can create a more welcoming and comfortable atmosphere for homeowners.
  7. Encourage Participation: The board of directors should encourage homeowners to participate in the annual meeting and provide opportunities for them to do so.


  1. Disrupt the Meeting: Homeowners should not disrupt the meeting or engage in behavior that is disrespectful or disruptive. This includes shouting, heckling, or making personal attacks.
  2. Discuss Personal Business: The annual meeting is not the appropriate forum to discuss personal business or grievances. Homeowners should address personal issues with the board of directors separately.
  3. Ignore the Agenda: The board of directors should follow the agenda for the annual meeting and not deviate from it. Any new topics should be addressed at a separate meeting.
  4. Exclude Homeowners: The board of directors should not exclude homeowners from the annual meeting or prevent them from asking questions or providing feedback.
  5. Withhold Information: The board of directors should not withhold information from homeowners or provide misleading information. They should be transparent and honest about the community’s affairs.
  6. Make Decisions without Quorum: The board of directors should not make decisions without a quorum present. A quorum is the minimum number of homeowners required to conduct business.
  7. Rush the Meeting: The board of directors should not rush the annual meeting or cut short the question-and-answer session. They should provide sufficient time for homeowners to ask questions and provide feedback.


HOA annual meetings are an essential event for homeowners to participate in the community’s decision-making process. By following the do’s and don’ts listed above, the meeting can be productive, informative, and respectful. The board of directors should ensure that the meeting is well-organized, transparent, and inclusive to create a positive experience for all homeowners

Lisa Turner: